The Life of Hayedeh: 4 Marriages and a Timeless Legacy in Music

Exile and Life in the United States

The 1979 Iranian Revolution brought about significant changes, forcing Hayedeh and many other artists into exile. Hayedeh left Iran, eventually settling in the United States, where she continued her musical career among the Iranian diaspora. Los Angeles became her new home, and she performed regularly for her fans in the United States and Europe.

The transition to life outside Iran was challenging, as Hayedeh often expressed her homesickness for her homeland and her people. Nevertheless, she continued recording songs, releasing albums, and holding concerts that attracted large audiences of Iranian expatriates and fans. Despite being thousands of miles from home, her music continued to reflect Iranian culture and values, serving as a bridge between Iran and its people abroad.

One of her most memorable performances in exile was at London’s Royal Albert Hall in 1988, a concert that underscored her enduring appeal and powerful connection with her fans.

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