Unveiling Excellence: 7 Cinematic Masterpieces by Mohammad Hassan Madjooni and Hedieh Hosseini Nejad

Dynamic Duo: Madjooni and Hosseini Nejad in “Ostad”

Madjooni’s collaboration with his wife, Hedieh Hosseini Nejad, in the movie “Ostad,” adds a layer of intrigue to their individual narratives. In an interview, Hosseini Nejad expressed her excitement about working with Madjooni, emphasizing his status as one of her favorite actors. The challenge, she noted, was portraying a convincing relationship on screen while being married in real life. Despite the hurdles, she considered it a joyous event.

When asked about his evaluation of the role in “Ostad,” Madjooni shared his perspective, stating it was his first serious role in cinema, and he was more than fifty percent satisfied with his performance. Hosseini Nejad echoed the sentiment, highlighting the importance of the script and her trust in the director, regardless of whether it was their first feature film.

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January 19, 2024 | 6:03 pm