Hany Rambod: Mastering FST-7 Training for Bodybuilding Success | Evogen Coach

Personal Life and Family: In his personal life, Hany Rambod is happily married to Farinaz Tawakli, a fitness enthusiast with a doctorate in chiropractic. The couple, residing in Los Gatos, California, shares their joy with a child named Cameron.

Coaching Achievements and Influential Students: Hany Rambod’s coaching legacy is unparalleled, having guided 22 Mr. Olympia winners to success. Phil Heath, Jay Cutler, Jeremy Bondia, Andre Dio, and the remarkable Hadi Chupan are among the elite athletes who flourished under his mentorship.

FST-7 Training System and Evogen Nutrition: At the core of Hany Rambod’s success is the FST-7 training system. Designed for muscle growth without compromising safety, this system has reshaped the way athletes approach their workouts. Hany’s commitment to excellence extends to Evogen Nutrition, his supplement production brand, trusted by champions worldwide.

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March 5, 2024 | 4:55 pm