Haideh Haeri: 10 Inspiring Achievements of a Legendary Actress, Writer, and Director

Personal Life and Advocacy

Haideh Haeri’s personal life has been marked by resilience and activism. She was married to Ali Akbar Sarmi until his passing in 1995. Haeri’s strong sense of justice and support for women’s rights came to the forefront in a notable incident involving the Irshad patrol officers. In defense of some girls, Haeri confronted the officers, pushing one back and firmly stating, “You are doing wrong.” This incident was recorded by an officer, showcasing her courage and commitment to standing up against injustice.


Haideh Haeri’s legacy in cinema, theater, and television is profound. Her contributions as an actress, writer, director, and educator have left an indelible mark on the arts community. Her dedication to her craft and her unwavering support for social justice continue to inspire many.

For those interested in the arts and the contributions of Haideh Haeri, her life story serves as a testament to the power of resilience, passion, and unwavering commitment to cultural and social causes. Her multifaceted career and personal experiences offer a rich tapestry of inspiration for aspiring artists and advocates worldwide.

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May 30, 2024 | 8:27 pm