9 Annoying Habits Extroverts Have That Introverts Can’t Stand, According to Psychology

5) Frequent Interruptions

Extroverts tend to think out loud and love sharing their ideas freely, which can lead to frequent interruptions during conversations. For introverts, who value thoughtful discussion and prefer to process their thoughts before speaking, these interruptions can be frustrating. They disrupt the flow of conversation and make it difficult for introverts to express themselves fully.

6) Difficulty Understanding Quiet Time

For extroverts, silence often needs filling. They may see quiet moments as awkward pauses that require chatter. Introverts, however, treasure these quiet moments as time to reflect, recharge, and gather thoughts. When extroverts struggle to understand this need for quiet time, it can be frustrating and draining. It’s not about being antisocial but about needing a balance of interaction and solitude to feel comfortable and at peace.

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June 20, 2024 | 6:45 pm