9 Annoying Habits Extroverts Have That Introverts Can’t Stand, According to Psychology

3) Need for Immediate Response

Extroverts often prefer immediate feedback, which could be linked to their brain’s dopamine processing. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that controls the brain’s reward and pleasure centers, and extroverts respond more strongly to it. This need for immediate responses can stress introverts, who prefer to think things through before reacting. Understanding and respecting each other’s pace is essential for effective communication between introverts and extroverts.

4) Love of the Spotlight

Extroverts are comfortable being the center of attention. They enjoy telling stories, leading discussions, and energizing the room. For introverts, this can be overwhelming. We often prefer to listen and observe rather than speak or perform. When extroverts dominate conversations or take over the spotlight, introverts can feel unheard or overshadowed. While introverts don’t mind being in the spotlight occasionally, we prefer a more balanced approach.

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June 20, 2024 | 6:45 pm