Government’s Propaganda Regarding the 13-Aban Demonstration

The Historical Context:

In the late 1970s, Iran was in the midst of a significant political upheaval. Discontent with the autocratic rule of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was growing. Various groups, including students, intellectuals, and activists, began voicing their grievances against the regime. On 13-Aban (4 November 1978), a group of students assembled at the campus of the University of Tehran to express their dissatisfaction with the Shah’s government.

The Tragic Events:

The peaceful demonstration quickly escalated into a violent clash between the protesters and the authorities. Tear gas was initially used to disperse the crowd, but it soon turned into a tragic and fatal confrontation. The Shah’s army opened fire on the protestors, resulting in the deaths of 56 students and numerous other individuals who had joined the demonstration. Additionally, hundreds were injured in the violent suppression.

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November 4, 2023 | 9:32 pm