Fardad Farahzad and Shiva Negar: An Inspiring Journey of Success and Love

Their Achievements and Philanthropic Endeavors

Beyond their professional success, Fardad Farahzad and Shiva Negar have displayed their compassion and dedication to social causes. Shiva, as one of the faces of the EDA (Ethnically Diverse Artists), advocates for representation and diversity in the entertainment industry. She also actively contributes to Mother Miracle, a non-profit organization that provides education and support to underprivileged children.

Fardad, on the other hand, founded the Your Time channel, an innovative platform that empowers individuals to share their voices and experiences. Recognizing the power of freedom of speech, he believes in allowing individuals to express themselves, even if their views differ from his own. Moreover, Fardad has a keen interest in wearing colored socks, joining the likes of renowned figures such as “George Bush” Sr., who appreciates the artistic expression in such attire.

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June 14, 2023 | 5:37 pm