Faranak Amidi’s Inspirational Journey: Breaking Barriers from Homeland to BBC

Her interview roster boasts influential Iranian politicians, including Karoubi, Ali Larijani, Saeed Jalili, and Nadjar, the defense minister. Venturing into the heart of Iran’s south, Faranak delved into the petrochemical industry, while her explorations in the Kurdish regions resulted in a compelling 160-minute documentary. Crossing borders, she accompanied an Iranian delegation to Syria, providing exclusive coverage of bilateral talks – an exhilarating experience as the sole woman in the delegation.

Back in London, Faranak’s BBC stint unfolded with the launch of BBC Persian’s business news bulletin and a weekly business program. Transitioning seamlessly, she embraced the challenge of presenting the program, delving into the intricate world of business reporting. Subsequently, her role evolved into producing a weekly music program, a domain close to her heart.

As a 44-year-old, proudly identifying as Bi and BBC World Service Radio Presenter, Faranak’s dedication extends beyond broadcasting. She is a passionate Women’s Affairs journalist and a proud feminist, championing causes related to Woman, Life, and Freedom.

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March 10, 2024 | 2:29 pm