Farah Pahlavi’s Youngest Grandchildren Visit Paris: Cherishing Family Bonds

During their visit to Paris, Iriana Leila and Farah Mitra had the opportunity to spend quality time with their respective mothers, Mrs. Yasmin Pahlavi and Mrs. Raha Dehvar. The trip not only provided an opportunity for the grandchildren to connect with their grandmother but also allowed them to strengthen their bond with their mothers.

Farah Mitra, being the youngest child of Prince Reza Pahlavi and Lady Yasmin, carries a special significance within the family. As she shared pictures of the trip, it became evident that the love and admiration for her grandmother are deeply ingrained in her heart. Through her Instagram posts, Farah Mitra expressed a desire to cherish these moments forever, emphasizing her profound connection with her family’s history.

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June 17, 2023 | 9:42 pm