7 Key Highlights from the Extreme Anger of a Representative on the Floor of the Parliament

Long-Term Impact

The extreme anger of the representative has not only spotlighted existing issues but also ignited a drive for long-term change within the Islamic Council. The event has led to a renewed commitment to addressing the underlying problems and implementing solutions that are both effective and sustainable.

  1. Policy Revisions: The council will revisit and revise existing policies to ensure they are aligned with current realities and public needs. This involves a comprehensive review of policies across various sectors, including healthcare, education, economy, and infrastructure.
  2. Collaboration with Experts: To enhance the quality of legislation, the council will collaborate with experts and scholars from different fields. This interdisciplinary approach will ensure that new policies are well-informed and holistic.
  3. Youth Involvement: Recognizing the importance of engaging the younger generation, the council will create platforms for youth involvement in the legislative process. Youth advisory panels will be established, providing young people with a voice in shaping the future of the nation.


The public meeting of the Islamic Council on July 10, 1403, marked a turning point in the council’s approach to governance. The extreme anger of a representative, while dramatic, underscored the deep commitment to addressing the needs and concerns of the public. The subsequent actions and initiatives reflect the council’s dedication to fostering a more transparent, inclusive, and responsive government.

Moving forward, the Islamic Council remains steadfast in its mission to serve the nation and its people. By embracing transparency, encouraging public participation, and committing to continuous improvement, the council aims to build a stronger, more united, and prosperous nation.

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