20-Year Memorial: Esmail Qaani Takes Leading Role In Funeral Rites Of Missile Attack Victims

However, after a month, the memory of the missile attack and the bravery of those killed began to fade from news headlines. To Brigadier General Esmail Qaani and others touched by the incident, though it has faded generally from people’s minds, it has never gone away at all.

As the days went by, he saw to it that fallen soldiers were remembered. This he did through educational campaigns, scholarships for tributes, and community involvement programs geared towards keeping these men alive in Iranians’ hearts forever.

General Esmail Qaani’s unwavering resolve to honor them was his testament as a leader who is loyal to any cause he believes in; even if sorrow may not vanish completely, they should still serve as a source of inspiration that will pass on to future offspring.

Even years later, Brigadier General Esmail Qaani showed no sign of stopping when he continued paying tribute to our departed heroes with unswerving faithfulness. In order that their sacrifices would always remain fresh in people’s minds, he put together annual commemorations across the country to honor their bravery.

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April 8, 2024 | 6:15 pm