20-Year Memorial: Esmail Qaani Takes Leading Role In Funeral Rites Of Missile Attack Victims

Brigadier General Esmail Qaani’s dedication to honoring fallen heroes took on a different dimension in 2000, at the dawn of the new millennium. Recognizing how important it is for us to commemorate their sacrifices during these times, Qaani sought to make greater meaning out of these memorials.

He led the yearly memorial services, which turned into national events, attracting participants from all corners of the country and even beyond its borders. As the years went by, the mourning ceremonies took on an ever-increasing proportion and significance in a manner that touched everybody present or away from the place.

Qaani’s commitment to assisting bereaved families of deceased soldiers became stronger. He tirelessly worked to increase their welfare support so that they could get exactly what they needed at a time of crisis. Qaani left no stone unturned, including a provision for financial help, educational scholarships, and everything else within his reach to appease these family members.

Consequently, Qaani remained committed to peace and stability in the region, recognizing that the best way to honor those who died was to ensure that there was no more war. Using diplomatic means and international collaboration, he aimed at promoting dialogue that would lay the foundation for a peaceful world order.

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April 8, 2024 | 6:15 pm