Empowering the President’s Wife: 7 Dynamic Legacies and Charitable Endeavors

Effat Marashi: A Voice in Protest

Effat Marashi, born in 1935, is known for her resilience and strong stance during times of political unrest. As the widow of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, she played a vocal role during the 2009 election protests. Her quote, “If people see that [the government] has cheated, they should protest on the streets,” reflects her commitment to democratic values and the importance of civic participation.

Married since 1958, the union between Effat Marashi and Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani resulted in five children: Fatemeh, Mohsen, Faezeh, Mehdi, and Yasser. Their family, deeply entrenched in Iranian politics, witnessed both triumphs and challenges. Despite facing adversity, Effat Marashi continued to emphasize the power of people’s voices in shaping the political landscape.

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December 12, 2023 | 9:20 pm