10 Empowering Stories: Gisvan Your Release Unveils Beauty Amidst Tehran’s Resilience

The Struggle within Qarchak Prison:

Within the confines of Qarchak Prison, the atmosphere was one of hardship and adversity. Yalda describes overcrowded cages, unsanitary conditions, and the physical and emotional toll inflicted on the women detained. Court proceedings were marked by injustice, with severe sentences handed down to some inmates. The recounting of mental and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and the enduring psychological scars paints a grim picture of life behind bars.

From Captivity to Freedom:

Despite the challenges, Yalda Meiri’s story takes a turn toward hope. Amnesty granted by the leader of the Islamic republic released all the detainees, offering them a chance to rebuild their lives. However, the shadows of their past linger, and many struggle with the psychological aftermath of their harrowing experiences.

Photographing Resilience:

In a heartfelt tribute to her fellow cellmates and a plea for remembrance, Yalda Meiri embarked on a poignant project. She captured the faces of released prisoners at the very locations where they were arrested. These photographs serve as a visual testimony to the strength and resilience of these women, immortalizing their stories in the public consciousness.

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December 2, 2023 | 5:49 pm