Elon Musk Denies Affair Rumors with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni After Global Citizen Awards Gala


At the Global Citizen Awards in New York on September 23, 2024, Elon Musk publicly praised Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, calling her “authentic and honest.” This meeting of minds at the gala reflects the growing alignment between the billionaire entrepreneur, known for his support of Donald Trump, and the Italian leader, whose political roots lie in the far right but who has embraced strong Atlanticist values.

Musk, while presenting Meloni with the prestigious Global Citizen Award from the Atlantic Council, commended her leadership and noted that Italy has experienced record economic growth under her governance. He also added a personal touch by stating, “It’s an honor to present this to someone who is even more beautiful on the inside than on the outside.”

Meloni, who was in New York for the United Nations forum, used the stage to reiterate her commitment to defending Western values like democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. In her acceptance speech, Meloni referenced Michael Jackson—whom she humorously called her first English teacher—and quoted the song Man in the Mirror, calling for self-reflection and change.

Addressing the audience, Meloni emphasized the importance of leadership, saying, “As a politician, you have two options: to be a leader or a follower. My ambition is to lead, not follow.” She warned about the growing influence of autocracies over democracies and highlighted the dangers of what philosopher Roger Scruton referred to as “oikophobia,” or a rejection of one’s own culture.

Meloni’s speech also pointed out the challenges facing the West, including a tendency to look down on itself while simultaneously claiming superiority over other nations, particularly those in the Global South. She stressed that democracies must remain credible partners and avoid becoming isolated, advocating for a balanced approach like the Mattei Plan for Africa.

In the second half of her speech, Meloni discussed the rise of authoritarian regimes that hope for the decline of the West. She pledged to defend democratic values and fight against the spread of authoritarianism, stating, “We will defend our values with freedom and pride.” She concluded with a reference to Ronald Reagan, reinforcing the idea that the preservation of Western roots is essential for a better future.

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September 25, 2024 | 7:00 pm