Unraveling the Enigma: Elnaz Hajtamiri’s Disappearance and Mohamad Lilo’s Murder Charge

Chapter 9: Composite Sketches and Reward Offer
On the one-year anniversary of her disappearance, OPP released composite sketches of two of the three men involved in her abduction. Alongside York Regional Police, a $100,000 reward was announced, underscoring the urgency and importance of any information leading to Hajtamiri’s whereabouts. The reward serves as a powerful incentive for the public to come forward with crucial details that might break the case open.
Chapter 10: Charges and Convictions
Nine days after Elnaz Hajtamiri’s disappearance, her former boyfriend, Mohamad Lilo, faced charges of criminally harassing her, which later escalated to kidnapping charges. Lilo, along with Riyasat Singh and Harshdeep Binner, also faced charges of attempted murder and attempted kidnapping in connection with the prior assault in Richmond Hill. The legal landscape surrounding these charges, including Singh’s guilty plea and subsequent deportation, provides a glimpse into the intricacies of the ongoing legal battle.
Chapter 11: Family’s Hope and Plea for Information
Despite the grim timeline and the mounting legal complexities, Elnaz Hajtamiri’s family remains resilient and hopeful. In a heartfelt statement, they express their unwavering commitment to finding her and bringing those responsible to justice. The family’s plea for information, echoed by OPP and investigators, emphasizes the crucial role the public plays in resolving the case.
April 15, 2022 | 4:34 pm