9 Shocking Behaviors of People Lacking Empathy and Unwanted Sympathy

2) Struggling to Share in Others’ Joy

Let me share a personal experience with you. A few years ago, I had a friend who always seemed to downplay my achievements. When I got a promotion at work, instead of celebrating with me, he would make comments like, “Well, don’t forget about us little people,” or “Must be nice.” At first, I thought he was just teasing, but it became a pattern. It was as if he couldn’t genuinely be happy for me. It didn’t matter if it was a personal or professional achievement; his reaction was always the same. This behavior is indicative of a lack of empathy. It’s important to note that empathy isn’t just about understanding and sharing in someone’s pain; it also involves rejoicing in their happiness.

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June 7, 2024 | 7:34 pm