Comedian Max Amini with Ali Karimi, his mother, and artists in the U.S.

Max Amini, born on September 29, 1360, in America, is a comedian. He is an acting graduate of the University of California Theater, Film, and Television School in Los Angeles. He started with theater and is now a famous comedian in America. Max Amini (Max Amini) was born in Tuscany, Arizona, USA, to parents; his father, “Fariborz, is of Isfahani origin, and his mother is of Tabrizi origin. His only sister is called Nazi,” and his parents immigrated to America after the revolution. At the age of 8, Max immigrated to Iran with his parents, went to school, lived for several years, and then returned to America for high school. That is why he has learned to read and write Persian well.

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April 13, 2023 | 8:13 pm