Understanding Child Behavior: 8 Annoying Child Habits That Are Actually Normal

3. Throws Things

Toddlers and young children frequently exhibit a penchant for throwing objects. This behavior may range from tossing toys to dropping pacifiers on the floor and demanding that they be picked up.

What’s Happening:

This seemingly frustrating habit serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it’s typical for young children to display impulsive behavior due to their developing brains. Secondly, throwing objects is an integral part of developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Lastly, it helps them understand cause-and-effect relationships—what goes up, must come down.

What to Do:

Educate your child on which items are safe to throw and which are not. Typically, a two-year-old can grasp these distinctions.

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October 19, 2023 | 2:52 pm