6 Aspects of Bahram Moshiri: A Profound Journey through Culture

Books and Publications

Apart from his influential television programs, Bahram Moshiri has also made his mark in the literary world. One of his recent publications, “A Review of the Critical Editions of the Shahnameh and a New Correction of the Story of Rostam and Sohrab,” stands as a testament to his commitment to scholarly pursuits. This book delves into various editions of the Shahnameh, shedding new light on the timeless tale of Rostam and Sohrab. Moshiri’s critical analysis and meticulous research make this work a valuable addition to the realm of Persian literature.

In another thought-provoking book, “From Athens to Hiroshima,” Moshiri explores the realm of atomic physics and the catastrophic events that unfolded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This publication showcases his versatility as an author, delving into scientific and historical subjects with equal depth and insight.

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October 27, 2023 | 11:25 pm