6 Aspects of Bahram Moshiri: A Profound Journey through Culture

Opinions and Advocacy

For several decades, Bahram Moshiri’s cultural and literary activities have revolved around his unwavering commitment to rationalism, anti-superstition, and the critique of authoritarianism. He boldly addresses a plethora of topics in his programs, which are broadcast through radio, television, and the internet. His “Sarzemin Javid” series provides a platform for him to express his opinions on subjects ranging from Islam, Islamic history, Sunnism, Shiism, politics, and Iran’s contemporary issues to the world’s religions and ancient history.

Controversy and Critique of Islam 

Moshiri’s critiques of Islam, particularly his use of humor and criticism, have sparked controversy. While some have condemned him and consider his actions as insulting to Islamic sanctities, Moshiri grounds his critiques in classical Islamic texts, often referencing sources such as the works of Tabari and Maghazi. He points to the rule of Shia mullahs and their governance based on religion as the driving force behind his criticisms.

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October 27, 2023 | 11:25 pm