Ayman Zidan: Biography, Achievements, and Controversial Apology


Ayman Zidan, a celebrated Syrian actor, gained immense popularity in Iran through his role in the series The General Manager. Recently, he has made headlines by apologizing to the Syrian people in a heartfelt Facebook post. Known for his former support of Bashar al-Assad’s government, Zidan’s journey as an artist and public figure is a compelling story of fame, political intrigue, and personal reflection.

1. Ayman Zidan’s Early Life

Born on September 1, 1956, in the small village of Al-Rahilah, northeast of Damascus, Ayman Zidan’s full name is Ayman Ghaleb Shukri Al-Zidani. His father, Ghaleb Zidan, was a police officer. Ayman spent his childhood in Al-Rahilah before moving to Damascus with his family during his teenage years.

2. The Start of His Career in the Arts

At just 16 years old, Zidan began his artistic journey. His first appearance on television came in 1983 in the series Women Without Wings.

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December 13, 2024 | 2:06 am