Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani: Legacy and Controversy Unveiled in the 7th Anniversary Ceremony

The 7th-anniversary ceremony of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s passing not only served as a moment of remembrance but also reignited discussions about his enduring legacy and the lingering controversies surrounding his death. In the wake of Fatemeh Hashemi’s statements and the response from Qomali Shamkhani, the intricate tapestry of Rafsanjani’s life continues to unravel, revealing both reverence and unanswered questions.

The Unyielding Legacy

Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s political legacy is undeniable. As a founding father of the Islamic Republic, his influence shaped Iran’s political landscape for over four decades. Serving as the fourth president of Iran, his tenure witnessed pivotal moments such as the Iran–Iraq War, where he held the position of Commander-in-Chief.

Rafsanjani’s pragmatic approach to politics earned him the title of a “veteran kingmaker” by The Economist. He advocated for a capitalist free-market position domestically, supporting the privatization of state-owned industries. Internationally, his moderate stance aimed to avoid conflicts with the United States and the West. The foundation of Azad University further demonstrated his commitment to education and societal development.

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January 13, 2024 | 11:57 am