Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani: Legacy and Controversy Unveiled in the 7th Anniversary Ceremony

Controversy Surrounding Rafsanjani’s Death

Rafsanjani’s death on January 8, 2017, at the age of 82, sparked controversy and speculation. While officially attributed to cardiac arrest, questions arose about the circumstances of his demise. His family, including Fatemeh Hashemi, asserted that he might have been assassinated. Further complicating matters, an investigation revealed that Rafsanjani’s body was highly radioactive.

Rafsanjani’s Political Ideology

Described as a pragmatic Islamic conservative, Rafsanjani advocated for a capitalist free-market position domestically. He supported the privatization of state-owned industries while maintaining a moderate international stance, seeking to avoid conflict with the United States and the West. Rafsanjani’s political influence extended beyond his presidency; he was also a key figure in the foundation of Azad University.

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January 13, 2024 | 11:57 am