Assal Rad: Empowering Peace and Civil Rights for Iranian Americans while Embracing Love in Marriage

Critics have questioned the alignment of NIAC’s positions with the Iranian government’s narrative. However, Assal Rad firmly asserts that her focus remains on advocating for the rights and interests of Iranian Americans, while strongly denouncing any actions that threaten human rights or democratic principles.

Despite facing personal sacrifices and confronting threats to her safety, Assal Rad’s determination to make a positive impact on her community remains unwavering. Her commitment to promoting understanding and cooperation between Iran and the United States is at the heart of her advocacy efforts.

Through her work and dedication, Assal Rad aspires to bridge divides and foster a better understanding between the Iranian American community and the broader American society. Her ultimate goal is to create a more inclusive world where peace, tolerance, and respect for human rights prevail, regardless of people’s backgrounds or beliefs.

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August 6, 2023 | 7:16 pm