Alireza Zakani Granted Limited Visa for Brussels Metropolis Meeting

Controversy and Criticism:

The issuance of visas to Alireza Zakani sparked controversy and drew widespread criticism from various segments of Belgian society. Many individuals, including members of the Belgian parliament, questioned the wisdom of allowing a figure with Zakani’s background and controversial reputation to participate in the Metropolis meeting. The concerns expressed focused primarily on his role as the former head of the Basij student organization, which has been associated with human rights abuses in the past.

Foreign Minister’s Response:

In light of the mounting criticism, the foreign minister addressed the public’s concerns surrounding Alireza Zakani’s presence in Brussels. He acknowledged the initial opposition to Zakani’s visit and expressed understanding of the reservations raised by the Belgian parliament members and the public. However, he emphasized the limited nature of the visas granted to the Iranian delegation and assured that appropriate precautions had been taken to ensure the safety and security of the event.

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June 16, 2023 | 9:35 pm