Alexander Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe (62) and Mahkameh Navabi (40) wedding at Bückeburg Castle in Germany

Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe has been marketing his Bückeburg Castle around 60 kilometers west of Hanover as a tourist destination for years – the performances at the Princely Riding School and the annual Christmas market are popular with guests. “A long life, good luck and lots of children,” said Maler Lüpertz when asked what he wishes for the bride and groom. And what does he have in store as a present? He laughed before disappearing into one of the side entrances: “What does an artist give? Art, of course! ”Alexandra Kamp and Michael von Hassel participated in the community gift – a donation for the multi-generation house in Bückeburg, where Alexander Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe is the patron.

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October 9, 2021 | 9:57 pm