Ahmad Zeidabadi: A Courageous Reformist Journalist and Political Activist

Post-Prison Activities and Political Views

After his release in 2014, Zeidabadi continued to be an influential voice in Iran’s political discourse. The courageous reformist journalist and political activist critiqued the government’s approach to international relations, particularly after the JCPOA agreement, and opposed reformists’ support for President Hassan Rouhani. Zeidabadi argued that Iran faced deep-rooted issues that required more than superficial political changes, urging reformists to boycott elections and focus on rebuilding the social fabric.

Zeidabadi also addressed the identity crisis in Iran, asserting that the regime’s interpretation of Islam had damaged the nation’s spiritual identity. The courageous reformist journalist and political activist emphasized the importance of historical figures like Ali bin Abi Talib and Hossein bin Ali as unifying symbols for all Iranians, regardless of their religious beliefs.

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July 14, 2024 | 5:51 pm