Ahmad Zeidabadi: A Courageous Reformist Journalist and Political Activist

Literary Contributions

Ahmad Zeidabadi is also a prolific writer, with several notable works to his name. His books include “Religion and Government in Israel,” “From Cold and Hot Times,” and “The Twilight of Khordad Month Air.” These publications offer insights into the thoughts of the courageous reformist journalist and political activist, enriching the discourse on Iran’s socio-political landscape.


Ahmad Zeidabadi’s life and career embody the spirit of resilience and the quest for justice. The courageous reformist journalist and political activist’s contributions to journalism and political activism continue to inspire many within and beyond Iran. Despite facing severe repression, Zeidabadi’s unwavering commitment to democratic values and human rights remains a beacon of hope for those striving for a freer and more just society.