Exclusive Interview with Siamak Namazi on His 8-Year Ordeal in Iran – With Christiane Amanpour in New York

Exclusive Interview with Siamak Namazi on His 8-Year Ordeal in Iran – With Christiane Amanpour in New York

In an exclusive interview with Christiane Amanpour in New York, Siamak Namazi spoke for the first time about his harrowing 8-year ordeal as the longest-held American hostage in Iran’s Evin Prison. Conducted during the Pezeshkian event in New York, Namazi opened up about the severe psychological and physical torture he endured and the lack of support systems for hostages upon their return.

During the interview, Namazi highlighted the brutal conditions he faced, including solitary confinement, beatings, and months of psychological abuse, all while wrongfully detained. He shared his deep frustration over the circumstances of his release, which involved a controversial U.S.-Iran prisoner swap deal.

Namazi also spoke about the emotional toll on his family, his call for stronger international policies against hostage diplomacy, and the need for greater support structures for former hostages. This interview is a must-watch for those seeking insight into the complexities of geopolitical tensions and wrongful detentions.

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September 27, 2024 | 11:40 am