Joe Kiani: The Billionaire Donor Fueling the Democratic Machine and Biden’s Presidency

Joe Kiani’s Family, Shirazi Roots, and Legacy

Joe Kiani’s story is not just one of business success and political influence; it is also deeply rooted in his family heritage and personal journey as an immigrant. Born in Shiraz, Iran, Kiani moved to the United States in 1974 with his family, seeking a better future amidst political turmoil in their home country. Despite facing challenges as a young Iranian immigrant in America during a time of heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran, Kiani persevered, eventually building a life of success and becoming a symbol of the American Dream.

Kiani often speaks fondly of his parents—his father, an engineer, and his mother, a nurse—who instilled in him the values of hard work, resilience, and a passion for innovation. These principles have guided Kiani throughout his career and have influenced his approach to both business and philanthropy.

Joe Kiani, CEO of medical technology giant Masimo, has emerged as a powerful financial supporter and close ally of President Joe Biden. Known for his significant donations to Democratic causes, Kiani has been dubbed the “piggy bank” of the Democratic party, raising ethical concerns due to his deep connections with the current administration. Recently, Biden and his family stayed at Kiani’s $37 million Santa Ynez ranch for free, sparking criticism and adding to the growing debate over the influence of billionaire donors in American politics.

Biden’s Cozy Relationship with Kiani: Ethics Under Scrutiny

President Biden, who has a history of accepting stays at lavish homes owned by wealthy Democratic donors, faced renewed scrutiny after his five-day vacation at Kiani’s estate. Kiani, who has contributed millions to Biden’s campaigns and related political committees, received a prestigious appointment to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in 2021—a move that has raised questions about pay-to-play politics.

House Republicans have been vocal about the ethics of Kiani’s appointment, pointing out the $3 million in federal contracts awarded to Masimo since Biden took office. They argue that Kiani’s contributions and close relationship with the president present a clear conflict of interest, with Rep. Ralph Norman and Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer among those voicing concerns.

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August 28, 2024 | 8:30 pm