6 Reasons Why Getting Back with Your Ex is a Big Mistake

Breaking up is never easy, and the emotional aftermath can make you reconsider whether the decision was the right one. Many people, feeling lonely or nostalgic, might consider getting back into a relationship with their ex. However, most relationship experts and psychologists agree: rekindling with an ex often leads to repeating old mistakes and more heartbreak. Here are six reasons why getting back with your ex can be a big mistake:

1. People Rarely Change

One of the biggest myths about getting back together is the belief that people can change drastically. While it’s possible to make minor adjustments, the core personality traits and behaviors of a person generally remain the same. If your ex had habits or traits that caused friction before, they are likely to still exist now. True change requires significant time, effort, and sometimes professional help — it’s not something that happens overnight.

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September 9, 2024 | 8:36 pm