Seyyed Hassan Khomeini and Ali Larijani Chatting at a Funeral

Ali Larijani’s Political Career: Ali Larijani, on the other hand, has had a long and influential political career in Iran. He has held various key positions, including:

  1. Speaker of the Iranian Parliament: Larijani served as the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, or Majlis, for multiple terms. In this role, he played a crucial part in shaping Iran’s domestic legislation and policy.
  2. Chief Nuclear Negotiator: Larijani was also Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, representing the country in international discussions about its nuclear program. His diplomatic skills and pragmatism made him a significant figure in these negotiations.
  3. Advisor to the Supreme Leader: He has been an advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which has solidified his position within the conservative political establishment.

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November 1, 2023 | 7:03 pm