15 Telltale Signs That Show He’s Totally Into You

Accidental Touches

The power of touch can’t be underestimated. If he keeps accidentally and playfully touching you or occasionally bumps your feet under the table, it signifies his strong desire to be closer to you. It’s the age-old principle – we naturally move away from those we don’t like and seek physical closeness to those we hold dear.

If he frequently, albeit accidentally, touches you or playfully bumps into your feet under the table, it’s a strong indication of his inner desire to be closer to you. This behavior is rooted in the human tendency to distance oneself from people they don’t like and, conversely, to seek physical closeness with those they have warm feelings for.

No Phone

In today’s digital era, the ability to put the phone aside in favor of your company is a significant gesture. When he does this, it’s a clear display of respect and interest. It indicates that, in that moment, you are his priority, and the outside world can wait.

A sure sign of his interest and respect is his ability to put his phone aside and not react to every message he receives when he’s with you. When he prioritizes your company over the digital world, it’s a clear demonstration of his affection and interest in you.

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October 28, 2023 | 11:27 am