15 Telltale Signs That Show He’s Totally Into You

Leaning Toward You

Leaning in closer while in conversation may seem like a simple act, but it carries profound meaning. Even in crowded or noisy environments, if he leans toward you, he’s displaying a genuine desire to hang on to your every word, indicating his keen interest.

While leaning towards you may seem obvious, it holds a significant meaning. Even in a noisy or crowded environment, if he leans in to hear what you’re saying, it signifies a strong desire to listen to you and not miss a single word.

Pressing Your Palm

The sensation of his palm against yours can be a subtle yet powerful indicator of his desire to connect. When fingers interlock, it’s as if a silent connection is established, revealing a deeper yearning for closeness.

Another telling sign of his interest is when he gently presses your palm against his. This subtle physical contact demonstrates his inner longing to connect with you on a deeper level. Interlocked fingers convey a similar message.

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October 28, 2023 | 11:27 am