11 Fascinating Facts about Lily Farhadpour: From Journalist to Actress in Her 40s

7. Dedication to Iranian Culture and the Arts through Up Artman
Beyond her work as an actress and writer, Farhadpour has devoted herself to fostering Iranian culture through the Up Artman cultural organization. This institution, originally founded by Manijeh Hekmat, aims to provide a space for artistic and cultural growth. Up Artman hosts a variety of events, including art exhibitions, musical performances, and workshops. Farhadpour’s involvement here underscores her commitment to cultural enrichment, with her impact extending beyond the screen and page. Her support for initiatives at Up Artman has given many Iranian artists a platform to share their work and connect with audiences. One notable project at the organization is an eco-choir training program, which highlights her interest in environmental awareness and sustainable arts practices. Through this program and other events, Farhadpour continues to make significant contributions to the preservation and growth of Iran’s rich cultural heritage.