10 Proven Psychological Techniques to Win Any Debate

7) Accept Your Mistakes

No one likes to make mistakes. But mistakes are part of being human. The problem is that when we argue, our pride often prevents us from admitting our mistakes. Even when deep down we know we’re wrong, we stick to our position. This makes you look stubborn and doesn’t help resolve the argument. If during the discussion you realize that you made a mistake or misunderstood something, admit it. Doing this in the long run can prevent unnecessary conflicts.

8) Be Silent Sometimes

Silence is a powerful tool in a debate that we often ignore. When you remain silent, the other person is forced to fill in the blanks and narrate more of their thoughts and feelings. As a result, you can learn more about their perspective and use it to shape your arguments. Silence can also give you a moment to gather your thoughts and respond more effectively.

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June 28, 2024 | 10:48 pm